Health promotion in Germany Japanese food makes you healthy from the inside out
The season when cold and flu viruses become active is approaching. This year, we are worried about the coronavirus, so let's wash our hands, gargle, disinfect, and boost our immune system from within. This time, I will explain fermented foods and their benefits as something that improves immune function for health promotion!
The effects of fermentation are large, and can be divided into three categories: changing the taste, increasing the nutritional value of ingredients, and adjusting the intestinal environment. Fermented foods are foods produced by the action of invisible microorganisms. Miso, soy sauce, and natto can be made from soybeans, sake, mirin, and vinegar can be made from rice, and cheese and yogurt can be made from milk.
There are various fermented foods, from those that are easy to take in to those that are rare, but we will use natto, miso, and soy sauce as examples of the most familiar Japanese foods.
When you think of fermented foods, the first thing that comes to mind is probably natto. Soybeans, which are rich in nutrients, are steamed and fermented with Bacillus natto to increase their nutritional value. "Nattokinase" contained in the stickiness of natto makes the blood smooth, promotes blood flow and improves metabolism, "vitamin K " prevents arteriosclerosis and heart disease, strengthens bones, and "polyglutamic acid" increases blood sugar levels. It has many health-promoting effects such as reducing
Miso is made by fermenting grains such as soybeans with salt and koji. Consuming miso with miso soup before meals has the effect of suppressing the rise in blood sugar levels after meals. Red miso is made by steaming soybeans for a long time and contains ingredients that activate cancer-fighting cells. White miso, on the other hand, is made by boiling soybeans and contains ingredients that lower blood pressure and relax the mind.
Soy sauce is probably the most popular Japanese seasoning. It can be used in a wide range of dishes, and there are various types such as low-salt and gluten-free. As with miso, when koji mold decomposes soybeans, enzymes such as protease and amylase break down the proteins contained in soybeans into amino acids, and these amino acids are the source of the sweetness and umami of soy sauce. In addition, soy sauce has the effect of increasing nutrients through the power of enzymes, increasing lactic acid bacteria, vitamins, and minerals, and can be expected to help you recover from fatigue. In addition to maintaining normal blood pressure and lowering high blood pressure, soy sauce also has various beneficial effects, such as suppressing the absorption of sugar and suppressing the rise of blood sugar levels, as well as carcinogenic effects. I have
The unique sweetness, umami, and aroma are produced by the action of microorganisms. By increasing the umami, it is no longer necessary to make the seasoning strong, and it is possible to reduce unnecessary salt content. In addition, they are much more nutritious than their raw counterparts.
Improvement of intestinal environment
About 70 % of the body's immune cells are concentrated in the intestine. When the intestinal environment deteriorates, the immune system weakens, making it easier to get sick. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the bad bacteria in the intestines and activate the good bacteria that are beneficial to humans. Lactic acid bacteria help with this. Lactic acid bacteria are divided into animal and vegetable types . Probably the animal lactic acid bacteria contained in yogurt and cheese have a strong image as lactic acid bacteria. Plant-based lactic acid bacteria are also contained in natto, and this plant-based lactic acid bacterium has a strong resistance to acid and salt, and has a strong coexistence with other bacteria, so it has the characteristic of being able to reach the intestines alive. . If allergic symptoms are related to intestinal wall roughness, it can be expected to improve allergic constitution by increasing the good bacteria in the intestines.
In addition to the above benefits, fermented foods greatly support our health, such as beauty effects such as beautiful skin and whitening.
Online shops are very convenient when there is no Japanese food store nearby or when it is difficult to go out.
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